Scan traces 258 -
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:19,534 802016000 ironscanner.main Initializing pyinsane2 ...
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:53:19,534 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.trace /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/[TraceThread(<function init at 0x807b05e18>)]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:19,534 80A4E7F00 pyinsane2.sane.abstract_proc Starting Pyinsane subprocess
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:19,535 80A4E7F00 pyinsane2.sane.abstract_proc Pyinsane pipes: /tmp/pyinsane_9ic1y6lj/pipe_c2s | /tmp/pyinsane_9ic1y6lj/pipe_s2c
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of dll to 255.
[dll] sane_init: SANE dll backend version 1.0.13 from sane-backends 1.0.27
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `./dll.d'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `/usr/local/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: using config directory `/usr/local/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: considering /usr/local/etc/sane.d/dll.d/hpaio
[dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.d/hpaio
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpaio'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: done.
[dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.conf
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `net'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `abaton'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `agfafocus'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `apple'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `avision'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `artec'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `artec_eplus48u'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `as6e'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `bh'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon630u'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon_dr'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `cardscan'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `coolscan'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `coolscan3'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `dell1600n_net'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `dmc'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `epjitsu'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `epson2'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `epsonds'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `fujitsu'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `genesys'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `gt68xx'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp3900'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpsj5s'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp3500'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp4200'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp5400'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp5590'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpljm1005'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hs2p'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `ibm'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `kodak'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `kodakaio'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `kvs1025'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `kvs20xx'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `leo'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `lexmark'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `ma1509'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `magicolor'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `matsushita'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `microtek'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `microtek2'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek_usb'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek_usb2'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `nec'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `niash'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `pie'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `pint'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `pixma'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `plustek'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `qcam'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `ricoh'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `rts8891'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `s9036'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `sceptre'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `sharp'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `sm3600'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `sm3840'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `snapscan'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `sp15c'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `tamarack'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco1'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco2'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco3'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `u12'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `umax'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `umax1220u'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `v4l'
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `xerox_mfp'
INFO Pyinsane_daemon Ready
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:19,610 80A4E7F00 pyinsane2.sane.abstract_proc Connected to Pyinsane subprocess
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:19,610 802016000 ironscanner.main Pyinsane2 ready
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:53:19,612 802016000 ironscanner.util For filename '' got file '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/'
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/ Warning: g_value_type_transformable: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_VALUE (src_type)' failed
(ironscanner:31984): Gtk-WARNING **: 09:53:19.613: gtkliststore.c:834: Unable to convert from (null) to gchararray
(ironscanner:31984): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 09:53:19.758: gtk_assistant_set_page_has_padding: assertion 'child != NULL' failed
WARNING 2019-04-09 09:53:19,758 802016000 ironscanner.main version.txt file is missing
WARNING 2019-04-09 09:53:19,758 802016000 ironscanner.main Please run 'make' first
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:53:19,828 802016000 ironscanner.util For filename 'logo.png' got file '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/logo.png'
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:24,933 8153EF400 ironscanner.main Looking for scanners ...
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:53:24,933 81422C000 ironscanner.trace /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/[TraceThread(<function get_devices at 0x807b05f28>)]
[dll] sane_get_devices
[dll] load: searching backend `xerox_mfp' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `xerox_mfp'
[dll] init: backend `xerox_mfp' is version 1.0.13
[dll] load: searching backend `v4l' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: couldn't open `/usr/local/lib/sane/' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: couldn't find backend `v4l' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: searching backend `umax1220u' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `umax1220u'
[dll] init: backend `umax1220u' is version 1.0.2
[dll] load: searching backend `umax' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `umax'
[dll] init: backend `umax' is version 1.0.45
[dll] load: searching backend `u12' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `u12'
[dll] init: backend `u12' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `teco3' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `teco3'
[dll] init: backend `teco3' is version 1.0.1
[dll] load: searching backend `teco2' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `teco2'
[dll] init: backend `teco2' is version 1.0.10
[dll] load: searching backend `teco1' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `teco1'
[dll] init: backend `teco1' is version 1.0.10
[dll] load: searching backend `tamarack' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `tamarack'
[dll] init: backend `tamarack' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `sp15c' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `sp15c'
[dll] init: backend `sp15c' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `snapscan' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `snapscan'
[dll] init: backend `snapscan' is version 1.4.53
[dll] load: searching backend `sm3840' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `sm3840'
[dll] init: backend `sm3840' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `sm3600' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `sm3600'
[dll] init: backend `sm3600' is version 1.0.6
[dll] load: searching backend `sharp' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `sharp'
[dll] init: backend `sharp' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `sceptre' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `sceptre'
[dll] init: backend `sceptre' is version 1.0.10
[dll] load: searching backend `s9036' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `s9036'
[dll] init: backend `s9036' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `rts8891' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `rts8891'
[dll] init: backend `rts8891' is version 1.0.2401
[dll] load: searching backend `ricoh' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `ricoh'
[dll] init: backend `ricoh' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `qcam' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: couldn't open `/usr/local/lib/sane/' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: couldn't find backend `qcam' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: searching backend `plustek' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `plustek'
[dll] init: backend `plustek' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `pixma' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `pixma'
[dll] init: backend `pixma' is version 1.0.17
[dll] load: searching backend `pint' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: couldn't open `/usr/local/lib/sane/' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: couldn't find backend `pint' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: searching backend `pie' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `pie'
[dll] init: backend `pie' is version 1.0.9
[dll] load: searching backend `niash' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `niash'
[dll] init: backend `niash' is version 1.0.1
[dll] load: searching backend `nec' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `nec'
[dll] init: backend `nec' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `mustek_usb2' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `mustek_usb2'
[dll] init: backend `mustek_usb2' is version 1.0.10
[dll] load: searching backend `mustek_usb' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `mustek_usb'
[dll] init: backend `mustek_usb' is version 1.0.18
[dll] load: searching backend `mustek' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `mustek'
[dll] init: backend `mustek' is version 1.0.138
[dll] load: searching backend `microtek2' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `microtek2'
[dll] init: backend `microtek2' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `microtek' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `microtek'
[dll] init: backend `microtek' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `matsushita' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `matsushita'
[dll] init: backend `matsushita' is version 1.0.7
[dll] load: searching backend `magicolor' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `magicolor'
[dll] init: backend `magicolor' is version 1.0.1
[dll] load: searching backend `ma1509' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `ma1509'
[dll] init: backend `ma1509' is version 1.0.3
[dll] load: searching backend `lexmark' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `lexmark'
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of lexmark to 255.
[lexmark] SANE Lexmark backend version 1.0.32-devel
[lexmark] sane_init: version_code=0x7fffffffd08c
[dll] init: backend `lexmark' is version 1.0.32
[lexmark] sane_get_devices: device_list=0x7fffffffd0e0, local_only=0
[dll] load: searching backend `leo' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `leo'
[dll] init: backend `leo' is version 1.0.11
[dll] load: searching backend `kvs20xx' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `kvs20xx'
[dll] init: backend `kvs20xx' is version 1.0.2
[dll] load: searching backend `kvs1025' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `kvs1025'
[dll] init: backend `kvs1025' is version 1.0.5
[dll] load: searching backend `kodakaio' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `kodakaio'
[dll] init: backend `kodakaio' is version 1.0.3
[dll] load: searching backend `kodak' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `kodak'
[dll] init: backend `kodak' is version 1.0.7
[dll] load: searching backend `ibm' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `ibm'
[dll] init: backend `ibm' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `hs2p' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hs2p'
[dll] init: backend `hs2p' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `hpljm1005' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hpljm1005'
[dll] init: backend `hpljm1005' is version 1.0.1
[dll] load: searching backend `hp5590' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hp5590'
[dll] init: backend `hp5590' is version 1.0.7
[dll] load: searching backend `hp5400' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hp5400'
[dll] init: backend `hp5400' is version 1.0.3
[dll] load: searching backend `hp4200' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hp4200'
[dll] init: backend `hp4200' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `hp3500' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hp3500'
[dll] init: backend `hp3500' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `hpsj5s' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: couldn't open `/usr/local/lib/sane/' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: couldn't find backend `hpsj5s' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: searching backend `hp3900' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hp3900'
[dll] init: backend `hp3900' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `hp' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hp'
[dll] init: backend `hp' is version 1.0.8
[dll] load: searching backend `gt68xx' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `gt68xx'
[dll] init: backend `gt68xx' is version 1.0.84
[dll] load: searching backend `genesys' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `genesys'
[dll] init: backend `genesys' is version 1.0.2511
[dll] load: searching backend `fujitsu' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `fujitsu'
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of fujitsu to 20.
[fujitsu] sane_init: start
[fujitsu] sane_init: fujitsu backend 1.0.133, from sane-backends 1.0.27
[fujitsu] sane_init: finish
[dll] init: backend `fujitsu' is version 1.0.133
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: start
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: reading config file fujitsu.conf
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: setting "buffer-size" to 65536
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'scsi FUJITSU'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1041'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1042'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1078'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1095'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1096'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1097'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10ad'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10ae'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10af'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10cf'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e0'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e1'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e2'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e6'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e7'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10f2'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10fe'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1135'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x114a'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: config option "buffer-size" (262144) is > 65536, warning!
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: setting "buffer-size" to 262144
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x114d'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x114e'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x114f'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1150'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1155'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x116f'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1174'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1175'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1176'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1177'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1178'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x119d'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x119e'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11a2'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11ee'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11ef'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11f1'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11f2'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11f3'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11f4'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11fc'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1213'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x128e'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x132b'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x132c'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x132d'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x132e'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x132f'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x13f3'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x13f4'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1409'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x140a'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x140c'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x145f'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1460'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1461'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1462'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1463'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1464'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x146b'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x146c'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x146d'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x146e'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x146f'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14ac'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14b8'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14bd'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14be'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14df'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e0'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e1'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e2'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e3'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e4'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e5'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e6'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e7'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x14e8'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x151e'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x151f'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1520'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1521'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1522'
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: found 0 scanner(s)
[fujitsu] sane_get_devices: finish
[dll] load: searching backend `epsonds' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `epsonds'
[dll] init: backend `epsonds' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `epson2' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `epson2'
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of epson2 to 64.
[epson2] sane_epson2_init: sane-backends 1.0.27
[epson2] epson2 backend, version 1.0.124
[dll] init: backend `epson2' is version 1.0.124
[epson2] sane_epson2_get_devices
[epson2] probe_devices
[epson2] free_devices
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 10, line = scsi EPSON
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 3, line = usb
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 17, line = net autodiscovery
[epson2] e2_network_discovery, sent discovery packet
[epson2] e2_network_discovery, end
[epson2] sane_epson2_get_devices - results:
[dll] load: searching backend `epjitsu' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `epjitsu'
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of epjitsu to 20.
[epjitsu] sane_init: start
[epjitsu] sane_init: epjitsu backend 1.0.31, from sane-backends 1.0.27
[epjitsu] sane_init: finish
[dll] init: backend `epjitsu' is version 1.0.31
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: start
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: reading config file epjitsu.conf
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/60f_0A00.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10c7'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/300_0C00.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1156'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/300M_0C00.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x117f'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/65f_0A01.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11bd'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/1300_0C26.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x11ed'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/1100_0B00.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1200'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/1300i_0D12.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x128d'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: firmware '/usr/local/share/sane/epjitsu/1100i_0A00.nal'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1447'
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: found 0 scanner(s)
[epjitsu] sane_get_devices: finish
[dll] load: searching backend `dmc' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `dmc'
[dll] init: backend `dmc' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `dell1600n_net' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `dell1600n_net'
[dll] init: backend `dell1600n_net' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `coolscan3' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `coolscan3'
[dll] init: backend `coolscan3' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `coolscan' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `coolscan'
[dll] init: backend `coolscan' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `cardscan' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `cardscan'
[dll] init: backend `cardscan' is version 1.0.3
[dll] load: searching backend `canon_dr' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `canon_dr'
[dll] init: backend `canon_dr' is version 1.0.56
[dll] load: searching backend `canon630u' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `canon630u'
[dll] init: backend `canon630u' is version 1.0.1
[dll] load: searching backend `canon' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `canon'
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of canon to 4.
[canon] >> sane_init
[canon] sane_init: sane-backends 1.0.27
[canon] << sane_init
[dll] init: backend `canon' is version 1.0.0
[canon] >> sane_get_devices
[canon] << sane_get_devices
[dll] load: searching backend `bh' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `bh'
[dll] init: backend `bh' is version 1.0.4
[dll] load: searching backend `as6e' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `as6e'
[dll] load: searching backend `artec_eplus48u' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `artec_eplus48u'
[dll] init: backend `artec_eplus48u' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `artec' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `artec'
[dll] init: backend `artec' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `avision' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `avision'
[dll] init: backend `avision' is version 1.0.297
[dll] load: searching backend `apple' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `apple'
[dll] init: backend `apple' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `agfafocus' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `agfafocus'
[dll] init: backend `agfafocus' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `abaton' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `abaton'
[dll] init: backend `abaton' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `net' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `net'
[dll] init: backend `net' is version 1.0.27
[dll] load: searching backend `hpaio' in `/usr/local/lib/sane'
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hpaio'
[dll] init: backend `hpaio' is version 1.0.0
[dll] sane_get_devices: found 1 devices
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:30,161 8153EF400 ironscanner.main 1 scanners found
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:30,162 802016000 ironscanner.main hpaio:/usb/Photosmart_C4200_series?serial=MY75NFM34104VP -> Hewlett-Packard Photosmart_C4200_series (hpaio:/usb/Photosmart_C4200_series?serial=MY75NFM34104VP)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:30,165 802016000 ironscanner.main Selected scanner: hpaio:/usb/Photosmart_C4200_series?serial=MY75NFM34104VP
[dll] sane_open: trying to open `hpaio:/usb/Photosmart_C4200_series?serial=MY75NFM34104VP'
[dll] sane_open: open successful
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=0)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=0,action=0,value=0x801dba098,info=0x801dba1a8)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=1)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=2)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=3)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=4)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=5)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=6)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=7)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=8)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=9)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=10)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=11)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=12)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=13)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=14)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=15)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=16)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=17)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,366 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: mode
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Scan mode
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : String (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 20
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : String list (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,367 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: ['Lineart', 'Gray', 'Color']
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=2)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=2,action=0,value=0x8006a2948,info=0x801dc21a8)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: Color
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: resolution
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Scan resolution
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Integer (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : Dpi (4)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Word list (2)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,368 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: [75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200]
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=3)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=3,action=0,value=0x801dc2120,info=0x801dc2098)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 75
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: contrast
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Contrast
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Controls the contrast of the acquired image.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Integer (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect, Advanced,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Range (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: (-127, 127, 0)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=5)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=5,action=0,value=0x801dc2120,info=0x801dc21a8)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 0
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: brightness
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,369 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Brightness
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Controls the brightness of the acquired image.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Integer (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect, Advanced,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Range (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: (-127, 127, 0)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=6)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=6,action=0,value=0x801dc2120,info=0x801dc2098)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 0
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: compression
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Compression
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Selects the scanner compression method for faster scans, possibly at the expense of image quality.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : String (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,370 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 20
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect, Advanced,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : String list (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: ['None', 'JPEG']
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=7)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=7,action=0,value=0x8006a2948,info=0x801dc21a8)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: JPEG
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: jpeg-quality
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: JPEG compression factor
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Sets the scanner JPEG compression factor. Larger numbers mean better compression, and smaller numbers mean better image quality.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Integer (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect, Advanced,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,371 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Range (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: (0, 100, 0)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=8)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=8,action=0,value=0x801dc2120,info=0x801dc2098)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 10
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: batch-scan
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Batch scan
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Enables continuous scanning with automatic document feeder (ADF).
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Boolean (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect, Advanced,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,372 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: None
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=9)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=9,action=0,value=0x801dc2120,info=0x801dc21a8)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 0
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: source
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Scan source
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : String (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 20
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect, Advanced,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : String list (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: ['Flatbed']
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=10)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=10,action=0,value=0x8006a2948,info=0x801dc2098)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,373 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: Flatbed
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: None
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: None
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: None
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Boolean (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 0
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Inactive,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,374 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,375 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: None
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=11)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=11,action=0,value=0x801dc2120,info=0x801dc21a8)
WARNING Pyinsane_daemon Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 136, in main_loop
result['out'] = f(*cmd['args'], **cmd['kwargs'])
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 41, in get_option_value
return get_device(scanner_name).options[option_name].value
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 98, in _get_value
raise SaneException("Option '%s' is not active" %
pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneException: Option 'None' is not active
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,376 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: (Exception: Option 'None' is not active)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,376 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: length-measurement
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,376 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Length measurement
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Selects how the scanned image length is measured and reported, which is impossible to know in advance for scrollfed scans.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : String (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : None (0)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 20
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect, Advanced,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : String list (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: ['Unknown', 'Approximate', 'Padded']
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=13)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=13,action=0,value=0x8006a2990,info=0x801dd3230)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: Padded
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: tl-x
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Top-left x
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Top-left x position of scan area.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Fixed (2)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,377 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : Mm (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Range (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: (0, 14149222, 0)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=14)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=14,action=0,value=0x801dd3098,info=0x801dd3120)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 0
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: tl-y
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Top-left y
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Top-left y position of scan area.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Fixed (2)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : Mm (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,378 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Range (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: (0, 19459342, 0)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=15)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=15,action=0,value=0x801dd3230,info=0x801dd31a8)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 0
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: br-x
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Bottom-right x
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Bottom-right x position of scan area.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Fixed (2)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : Mm (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Range (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,379 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: (0, 14149222, 0)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=16)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=16,action=0,value=0x801dd3120,info=0x801dd3098)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 14149222
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Option: br-y
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Title: Bottom-right y
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Desc: Bottom-right y position of scan area.
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneValueType'> : Fixed (2)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Unit: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneUnit'> : Mm (3)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Size: 4
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Capabilities: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneCapabilities'> :[ Soft_select, Soft_detect,]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint type: <class 'pyinsane2.sane.rawapi.SaneConstraintType'> : Range (1)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Constraint: (0, 19459342, 0)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=17)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=17,action=0,value=0x801dd31a8,info=0x801dd3230)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:32,380 802016000 ironscanner.main Value: 19459342
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:53:32,397 802016000 ironscanner.util For filename 'flatbed.png' got file '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/flatbed.png'
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:49,508 802016000 ironscanner.main Preparing summary
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:49,620 802016000 ironscanner.main Summary ready
INFO 2019-04-09 09:53:49,620 802016000 ironscanner.main Summary of the test:
- Scanner: Hewlett-Packard Photosmart_C4200_series (hpaio:/usb/Photosmart_C4200_series?serial=MY75NFM34104VP)
- Type: flatbed
- Source: Flatbed
- Resolutions: 150
- Mode: Color
Personal information that will be attached to the report:
- Name: gary
- Email: xxxxxx
System informations that will be attached to the report:
- arch: ('64bit', 'ELF')
- cpu_freq: 3400
- machine: amd64
- mem: 3925229568
- nb_cpus: 4
- os_uname: posix.uname_result(sysname='FreeBSD', nodename='fbsd11-2', release='11.2-RELEASE-p9', version='FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Feb 5 15:30:36 UTC 2019', machine='amd64')
- platform_detailed: FreeBSD-11.2-RELEASE-p9-amd64-64bit-ELF
- platform_short: freebsd11
- platform_uname: uname_result(system='FreeBSD', node='fbsd11-2', release='11.2-RELEASE-p9', version='FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Feb 5 15:30:36 UTC 2019', machine='amd64', processor='amd64')
- proc: amd64
- python: 3.6.8 (default, Apr 2 2019, 01:15:55)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible FreeBSD Clang 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final 326565)]
- release: 11.2-RELEASE-p9
- swap: 8589803520
- system: FreeBSD
- type: posix
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,129 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.main ### SCAN TEST ###
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,130 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.main Configuring scanner: source = Flatbed
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:54:24,130 813AEA000 ironscanner.trace /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/[TraceThread(<function set_scanner_opt at 0x807f5cae8>)]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,137 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.main Configuring scanner: resolution = 150
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:54:24,137 8153EF400 ironscanner.trace /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/[TraceThread(<function set_scanner_opt at 0x807f5cae8>)]
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=3)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=3,action=1,value=0x801dd3098,info=0x801dd3120)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,144 8153EF400 pyinsane2 [resolution] set to [150]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,145 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.main Configuring scanner: mode = Color
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:54:24,145 8153F0800 ironscanner.trace /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/[TraceThread(<function set_scanner_opt at 0x807f5cae8>)]
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=2)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=2,action=1,value=0x801dd3230,info=0x801dd31a8)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,151 8153F0800 pyinsane2 [mode] set to [Color]
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,152 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.main Maximizing scan area ...
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:54:24,152 81422C500 ironscanner.trace /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/[TraceThread(<function maximize_scan_area at 0x807f5cbf8>)]
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=14)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=14,action=1,value=0x801dd3120,info=0x801dd3098)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=15)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=15,action=1,value=0x801dd31a8,info=0x801dd3230)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=16)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=16,action=1,value=0x801dd3098,info=0x801dd3120)
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=17)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=17,action=1,value=0x801dd3230,info=0x801dd31a8)
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:24,154 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.main Starting scan session ...
DEBUG 2019-04-09 09:54:24,154 81422CA00 ironscanner.trace /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/[TraceThread(<bound method Scanner.scan of <pyinsane2.sane.abstract_proc.Scanner object at 0x8141bf240>>)]
[dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x802024550,option=10)
[dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x802024550,option=10,action=0,value=0x8006a2990,info=0x801dd3098)
[dll] sane_start(handle=0x802024550)
dbus[32208]: arguments to dbus_connection_send() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 3311.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
ERROR 2019-04-09 09:54:25,279 81422CA00 ironscanner.trace Unexpected exception while calling <bound method Scanner.scan of <pyinsane2.sane.abstract_proc.Scanner object at 0x8141bf240>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/", line 35, in run
self.ret = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 267, in scan
def scan(self, multiple=False):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 208, in __init__
self._remote_session = remote_do('scan',, multiple)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 68, in remote_do
length = struct.unpack("i", length)[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:25,280 80A4E7F00 ironscanner.main ### SCAN TEST FAILED ###
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/", line 755, in run
scan_session = trace.trace(self.scanner.scan, multiple=True)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/", line 77, in trace
raise thread.exc
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironscanner/", line 35, in run
self.ret = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 267, in scan
def scan(self, multiple=False):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 208, in __init__
self._remote_session = remote_do('scan',, multiple)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyinsane2/sane/", line 68, in remote_do
length = struct.unpack("i", length)[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,204 8153EF400 ironscanner.main Building report ...
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,204 8153EF400 ironscanner.main * User info
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,205 8153EF400 ironscanner.main * Scanner settings
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,207 8153EF400 ironscanner.main No image attached to report
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,207 8153EF400 ironscanner.main * System configuration
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,257 8153EF400 ironscanner.main * Scan test result
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,257 8153EF400 ironscanner.main * User comment
INFO 2019-04-09 09:54:50,258 8153EF400 ironscanner.main * Traces