Scan Bericht 269 - FUJITSU fi-5110Cdj
- acer
- agfa
- artec
- avision
- brother
- canon
- dell
- epson
- fujitsu
- hp
- kaiser baas
- kodak
- konica minolta
- kyocera
- lexmark
- neat
- oki
- plustek
- ricoh
- samsung
- wia
- xerox
![]() |
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: RIF
- desc: Reverse image format
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Error code
- desc: Hardware error code
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 255, 1]
- title: Variance
- desc: Set SDTC variance rate (sensitivity), 0 equals 127
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 960, 1]
- title: Off timer
- desc: Time in minutes until the internal power supply switches the scanner off. Will be rounded to nearest 15 minutes. Zero means never power off.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[offtimer]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Outline
- desc: Perform outline extraction
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[outline]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Separation
- desc: Enable automatic separation of image and text
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[separation]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 863.48876953125, 0.0211639404296875]
- title: Top-left y
- desc: Top-left y position of scan area.
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_MM of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0.0
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [16, 24, 8]
- title: Endorser bits
- desc: Determines maximum endorser counter value.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-bits]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525, 550, 575, 600]
- title: Scan resolution
- desc: Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_DPI of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 300
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Off', 'On']
- title: Overscan
- desc: Collect a few mm of background on top side of scan, before paper enters ADF, and increase maximum scan area beyond paper size, to allow collection on remaining sides. May conflict with bgcolor option
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: Default
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Page loaded
- desc: Page loaded
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: True
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Auto width detection
- desc: Scanner detects paper sides. May reduce scanning speed.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[awd]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: B4 paper
- desc: B4 paper detected
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [-2, 2, 1]
- title: Endorser step
- desc: Change endorser counter value by this much for each page.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-step]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Duplex side
- desc: Tells which side (0=front, 1=back) of a duplex scan the next call to sane_read will return.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 3, 1]
- title: Gamma curve
- desc: Gamma curve, from light to dark, but upper two may not work
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[gamma-curve]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: DF thickness
- desc: Enable double feed error due to paper thickness
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[df-thickness]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 60, 1]
- title: Sleep timer
- desc: Time in minutes until the internal power supply switches to sleep mode
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Noise removal
- desc: Noise removal
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[noise-removal]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Ink low
- desc: Imprinter ink running low
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[ink-low]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [-128, 127, 1]
- title: Emphasis
- desc: Negative to smooth or positive to sharpen image
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Low Memory
- desc: Limit driver memory usage for use in embedded systems. Causes some duplex transfers to alternate sides on each call to sane_read. Value of option 'side' can be used to determine correct image. This option should only be used with custom front-end software.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Top edge
- desc: Paper is pulled partly into adf
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Ink remaining
- desc: Imprinter ink level
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[ink-remain]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 863.48876953125, 0.0211639404296875]
- title: Endorser Y
- desc: Endorser print offset from top of paper.
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_MM of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-y]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Matrix 3x3
- desc: Remove 3 pixel square noise
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[matrix-3x3]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Matrix 2x2
- desc: Remove 2 pixel square noise
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[matrix-2x2]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 215.8721923828125, 0.0211639404296875]
- title: Top-left x
- desc: Top-left x position of scan area.
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_MM of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0.0
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', '10mm', '15mm', '20mm']
- title: DF length difference
- desc: Difference in page length to trigger double feed error
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[df-diff]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: BP filter
- desc: Improves quality of high resolution ball-point pen text
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[bp-filter]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Off', 'On']
- title: DF recovery mode
- desc: Request scanner to reverse feed on paper jam
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[df-recovery]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 7, 1]
- title: Compression argument
- desc: Level of JPEG compression. 1 is small file, 7 is large file. 0 (default) is same as 4
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[compression-arg]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Software deskew
- desc: Request driver to rotate skewed pages digitally.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 215.8721923828125, 0.0211639404296875]
- title: Page width
- desc: Specifies the width of the media. Required for automatic centering of sheet-fed scans.
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_MM of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 215.8721923828125
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 863.48876953125, 0.0211639404296875]
- title: Page height
- desc: Specifies the height of the media.
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_MM of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 863.48876953125
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Off', 'On']
- title: Advanced paper protection
- desc: Request scanner to predict jams in the ADF using improved sensors
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[adv-paper-protect]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Off', 'On']
- title: Prepick
- desc: Request scanner to grab next page from ADF
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[prepick]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Scan button
- desc: Scan button
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Manual feed
- desc: Manual feed selected
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 9, 1]
- title: Software despeckle diameter
- desc: Maximum diameter of lone dots to remove from scan.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: A3 paper
- desc: A3 paper detected
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [-16, 16, 1]
- title: Duplex offset
- desc: Adjust front/back offset
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[duplexoffset]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 215.8721923828125, 0.0211639404296875]
- title: Bottom-right x
- desc: Bottom-right x position of scan area.
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_MM of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 215.8721923828125
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Hardware deskew and crop
- desc: Request scanner to rotate and crop pages digitally.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[hwdeskewcrop]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 3, 1]
- title: Halftone pattern
- desc: Control pattern of halftone filter
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[ht-pattern]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Duplex switch
- desc: Duplex switch
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[duplex]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Threshold white
- desc: Set pixels equal to threshold to white instead of black
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[threshold-white]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'White', 'Black']
- title: Background color
- desc: Set color of background for scans. May conflict with overscan option
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[bgcolor]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [-127, 127, 1]
- title: Contrast
- desc: Controls the contrast of the acquired image.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Halt on Cancel
- desc: Request driver to halt the paper feed instead of eject during a cancel.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[halt-on-cancel]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Skew angle
- desc: Requires black background for scanning
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: A4 paper
- desc: A4 paper detected
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [-16, 16, 1]
- title: Green offset
- desc: Adjust green/red offset
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[greenoffset]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['ADF Front', 'ADF Back', 'ADF Duplex']
- title: Scan source
- desc: Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: ADF Duplex
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Power saving
- desc: Scanner in power saving mode
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Dither', 'Diffusion']
- title: Halftone type
- desc: Control type of halftone filter
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[ht-type]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Matrix 4x4
- desc: Remove 4 pixel square noise
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[matrix-4x4]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Email button
- desc: Email button
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Mirroring
- desc: Reflect output image horizontally
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[mirroring]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [-127, 127, 1]
- title: Brightness
- desc: Controls the brightness of the acquired image.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 863.48876953125, 0.0211639404296875]
- title: Bottom-right y
- desc: Bottom-right y position of scan area.
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_MM of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 863.48876953125
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Smoothing
- desc: Enable smoothing for improved OCR
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[smoothing]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 7, 1]
- title: Threshold curve
- desc: Threshold curve, from light to dark, but upper two may not be linear
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[threshold-curve]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Auto length detection
- desc: Scanner detects paper lower edge. May confuse some frontends.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Cover open
- desc: Cover open
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Off', 'On']
- title: Paper protection
- desc: Request scanner to predict jams in the ADF
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[paper-protect]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Off', 'On']
- title: Buffer mode
- desc: Request scanner to read pages quickly from ADF into internal memory
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[buffermode]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.0, 100.0, 0.100006103515625]
- title: Software blank skip percentage
- desc: Request driver to discard pages with low percentage of dark pixels
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_PERCENT of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 0.0
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Software crop
- desc: Request driver to remove border from pages digitally.
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Matrix 5x5
- desc: Remove 5 pixel square noise
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[matrix-5x5]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Front', 'Back']
- title: Endorser side
- desc: Endorser printing side, requires hardware support to change
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-side]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 65535, 1]
- title: Endorser value
- desc: Initial endorser counter value.
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-val]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Lineart', 'Halftone', 'Gray', 'Color']
- title: Scan mode
- desc: Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: Color
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Off', 'On']
- title: Staple detection
- desc: Request scanner to detect jams in the ADF caused by staples
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[staple-detect]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: OMR or DF
- desc: OMR or double feed detected
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Function
- desc: Function character on screen
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: 1
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0, 255, 1]
- title: Threshold
- desc: Select minimum-brightness to get a white point
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[threshold]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Endorser Options
- desc: Controls for endorser unit
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-options]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: DF skew
- desc: Enable double feed error due to skew
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[df-skew]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'On', 'Off']
- title: White level follower
- desc: Control white level follower
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[wl-follow]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Horizontal', 'Horizontal bold', 'Horizontal narrow', 'Vertical', 'Vertical bold']
- title: Endorser font
- desc: Endorser printing font.
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-font]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Continue', 'Stop']
- title: DF action
- desc: Action following double feed error
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: Default
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [-16, 16, 1]
- title: Blue offset
- desc: Adjust blue/red offset
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[blueoffset]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Double feed
- desc: Double feed detected
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: [0.29998779296875, 5.0, 0.0099945068359375]
- title: Gamma function exponent
- desc: Changes intensity of midtones
- type: <GType gdouble (60)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[gamma]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Density
- desc: Density dial
- type: <GType gint (24)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[density]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Endorser
- desc: Enable endorser unit
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Default', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue']
- title: Dropout color
- desc: One-pass scanners use only one color during gray or binary scanning, useful for colored paper or ink
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[dropoutcolor]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_SW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: DF length
- desc: Enable double feed error due to paper length
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[df-length]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['None']
- title: Compression
- desc: Enable compressed data. May crash your front-end program
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[compression]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: Endorser string
- desc: Endorser alphanumeric print format. %05ud or %08ud at the end will be replaced by counter value.
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-string]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags 0 of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: ['Top to bottom', 'Bottom to top']
- title: Endorser direction
- desc: Endorser printing direction.
- type: <GType gchararray (64)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: (Exception: libinsane-quark: Libinsane opt[endorser-dir]->get_value() error: 0x40000008, Access denied (9))
- capabilities: <flags LIBINSANE_CAPABILITY_HW_SELECT of type Libinsane.Capability>
- constraint: []
- title: B5 paper
- desc: B5 paper detected
- type: <GType gboolean (20)>
- unit: <enum LIBINSANE_UNIT_NONE of type Libinsane.Unit>
- initial_value: False
OS: Linux
erfolgreiche Tests: True
- Quelle: feeder Duplex
- Auslösung: 150 dpi
- Modus: Color
269_traces.txt: [raw] [colorized]
Zusätzliche Informationen
- OS type: posix
- Test program: ironscanner 2.0-4-g2362efa
- Scan library: Libinsane 0.9-32-g9dfe1f2
- Pillow: 4.0.0
- Python version: 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516]
- Architecture:
- Platform:
- Short: Linux
- Detailed: Linux-4.15.0-48-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-18.04-bionic
- Release:
- System: Linux
- Architecture:
- CPU frequency: 2900
- Number of CPUs: 4
- Processor: x86_64
- Machine: x86_64
- Memory: 8238235648
Reported by: [Jerome Flesch]
REST API link: /api/v1/scannerdb/scan_reports/269/